Friday, 31 October 2008

Restoring Good Posture and Healthy Movement

Our bodies are designed to move.

When we are young we move freely, with natural grace and abandon. As we age, we acquire emotional baggage, our complex psychological response to pain. This manifests itself in our posture and affects the way we move.

Inhibition and dysfunction may be compounded by physical injury.

Our bodies start to cheat, adapting to take the path of least resistance ... perverting nature's design.

More discomfort. More adjustment. Less freedom of movement. The cold fingers of inactivity slowly weave their tendrils of constraint.

You have to break the cycle, confront your pain, gently start the process of rechallenging balance and normal function. This takes knowledge, persistence, maybe even courage and patience. But consistent, daily re-awakening will soon free you up again.

Moderate activity plus carefully structured strength, length and balance work ... combined with sensible consumption and sleeping habits will be your keys to an active life free from pain.

Not long now before my site goes live!

1 comment:

Lynne said...

Good Luck with your site - am sure it will be great!!!