Tuesday, 14 October 2008


One of the greatest obstacles to health recovery is mindset.

If you're no longer active chances are:

- you've put on a few extra pounds
- you don't feel great about yourself
- you can feel that things "aren't quite right"
- you're depressed and unmotivated
- you don't know where to start

The first thing you can do is sort out your frame of mind. Something got you surfing the net looking for a solution. Fear? Self-doubt? Self-loathing? Drowning in your own lethargy? Any number of these?

Ok ... so the desire to fix things is very real. Great catalyst for action!

What about attitude?

Depressed people are notorious for sabotaging their progress with "stinking thinking". Do you program your mind with positive messages ... or are you a total cynic? Understand that your thoughts have a huge impact on your reality. Getting your head straight is a process rather than a decision or an event. It's the cummulative effect of constructive thinking that will make you a winner.

Got a goal to focus on? Something specific, achievable and simple to measure ... something you've written down and embraced with every strand of your DNA? I don't have to tell you that "losing weight" is way too general to be of any use to you!

So what's still missing?

Commitment! This is the one factor that will differentiate between your success and failure. It's not rational, nor even logical ... it's pure emotion.

And it takes character and fighting spirit to stay the course and see things through.

So ... do you have it?

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