Wednesday 8 July 2009

Sperm Grown In Lab

At what point will we as human beings realise we have overstepped all boundaries?

The big news over the last few days is the "achievement" by scientists in a Newcastle lab to grow sperm from stem cells. The idea is that down the road infertile men may be able to still have kids.

Funny, isn't infertility Nature's way of telling us we are not reproductively viable? People honestly believe they can ignore fundamental natural laws because, as a human being, they have the right to reproduce.

How incredibly selfish!

At what point in time will we as a species do the math and realise that 6 billion humans reproducing recklessly will mean 9 billion, then 15, 25 etc ... exponentially adding to the mess we have already created?

And will these people be independant contributors?

I'm 47 years old. I cannot imagine the chaos I will live in if I am "lucky" enough to make it to 80 years. Pollution. Crime. And even more bogus regulations than we have today.

And more people refusing to take responsibility for anything. All on a planet designed for no more than 3 million human inhabitants (and that's generous).

I can't wait!


Jan from BetterSpines said...

They've done WHAT!
I thought stem cell research was aimed at curing disease and goodly things like that. Surely developing sperm was not in their directive.

Don said...

Indeed Jan

We'll just keep messing with nature under the guise of legitimate research until all the boundaries are blurred.

Eventually we'll be able to reproduce without reproducing!

Now that will be convenient. I can only shake my head.