Tuesday 24 February 2009

Another Blog About Dieting? Not!!!

Today's post is just a teaser about a new project I've been working on.

Those of you that know me may know that I have struggled with my weight for quite some time now. Decades actually!

Apart from the fact that being overweight makes you feel not so great about yourself ... there are also other side-effects that go along with the whole package. Things like joint pain, stiffness, difficulty sleeping and depression.

These maladies tend to compound and you start to feel like every day is an uphill struggle.

Well ... I've had enough and so this year I have resolved to do something about it. Not only do I want to lose fat and get down to my fighting weight again (that's more than 30kg's lighter than I am now), but I also want to do this safely, intelligently and responsibly. Oh ... and I also need some serious motivation!

Sustainable, healthy living over settling for being tired and a shadow of my real self.

So, I'm going to be starting up a new blog where I will be posting daily about everything I'm going through ... and exactly how I plan to go from slug to stud. I'll be updating daily (except when I'm sick of writing and need a short break) and I'll be pulling no punches.

This includes posting photos (uhhhggg!!) and maybe even the odd video (if I, or you, can stomach it).

I'll show you what my goals are, how I'll measure my progress, what obstacles (or perceived obstacles) I'm facing ... and how I plan to leap smoothly over every last one of them. Watch me ... I'm not kidding!

This won't be about dieting. That's just boring and I'm not a fan of dieting at all.

This will be about taking stock, finding one's balance and getting fit, strong, vital and healthy in a safe and sustainable way.

I figure if I'm willing to put myself out there, photos and all, then I'll have all the incentive I need. Hopefully a whole bunch of people who also need a gentle but firm nudge in the right direction will jump on board and follow right along with me.

Watch this space ... say goodbye to being tired, fat and depressed and become the person you know deep down inside you can be.

I'll help you.

1 comment:

Clara said...

This sounds very exciting. I could sure use a kick in the motivation! You've already given me some by commenting on my blog. Thank you for your encouraging words. I blogged about them today and linked to you.

And as soon as you get the new blog up, I'll be following you!