Tuesday 27 January 2009

There's Nothing Wrong With Takeaway Meals!

The BBC provides a wealth of stimulating material when it comes to inspiration for blog posts that are likely to stir up the bees.

Today's clip from Richard Westcott about doner kebabs was no exception.

Stunning revelation ... this favourite snack of the late night boozer is loaded with salt, fat and calories! The 500 beasties tested nationwide by council inspectors revealed "shocking" results.

Fat content of around 100g, salt approaching 98% of your day's quota and a calorie count around 1000. And that's just the bread and meat ...before all the other nutritious goop that's smeared on it like garlic mayonnaise and chili sauce. You know, the good stuff.

Equivalent to eating a far-size lump of lard ... and no, you can't neutralize it with salad. Powerful images indeed.

The youngsters interviewed seemed unfazed by these statistics ... taste and immediate gratification are still king in the land of the late night reveller, especially when booze impairs one's willpower and abrogates us from all responsibility. And one bright eyed interviewee wouldn't touch the stuff "even if I was drunk". That's healthy ... I guess?

Still no surprises I hear you say.

Well here's the really scary part (for me at least). One gentleman wearing a lab coat (an expert, we can only presume) glibly commented with words to the effect that " ... it's just about balancing the diet and exercise. There's nothing wrong with takeaway meals ... eating kebabs ... it's just how often you eat them and how you balance your diet."

Hmmm ... I guess loading up on booze, then tons of chemically-altered fat, processed salt and empty calories can't be too bad for you (happy takeaway owners?) ... as long as it's only the occasional indulgence?

No wonder so many people just don't care. The message is inconsistent and skewed by agenda. And who really understands what is meant by "balancing the diet and exercise"?

So go right ahead my friends ... you'll be fine.

And if you're not, well, we have some of the finest doctors in the world.

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