Tuesday 20 January 2009

Lost Post

Ok ... I've just spent two hours refining today's blog post only to lose it in cyberspace after I hit publish!

What a waste. Not only that, but I was so happy with this particular post. It was really something that got better and better as I worked on it. You know, that zone that happens when you feel particularly inspired.

Simpler, clearer, more useful. Now ... gone!

I am not happy.

Time for Wordpress. This is the second time I have wasted my time like this. Enough.

To my loyal followers (all 3 of you) ... I am going to be spending the next few days investigating something that is more stable and less frustrating.

I just poured my guts out about food addiction ... something I am intimately familiar with.

What a waste!


Anonymous said...

So sorry for your loss. It's incredibly frustrating when you know you've written the best piece ever, and then poof! it's gone. Cheer up - the next version will probably be better because it has been simmering longer in your subconscious.

Grum said...

I would suggest you confirm that the problem is in actual fact blogger before jumping ship. Else you can expect the same to happen again. Google is not the greatest technology company in the world because their technology is crap.