Tuesday 2 December 2008

Common Myths About Heart Disease

Sadly, numerous myths exist about heart disease.

One of the most pervasive is that the genetic component trumps everything else. If heart disease runs in your family, there's nothing you can do to protect yourself. While family history is considered a risk factor, in no way does this absolve you from taking responsibility for your own health.

Another myth is that only men get heart attacks. Surprisingly, heart disease is the leading cause of death for women too! Sorry ladies.

Here's another: if your cholesterol is "normal" you have nothing to worry about. Unfortunately, cholesterol is not the only risk factor. Blood pressure, smoking and diabetes are up there to. Also playing a contributing role are stress, obesity, gender, family history and age.

And here's the one that really hurts people because, by the time you learn the truth, irreversable damage has already occurred: the biggest danger from smoking is lung cancer. We've all seen the posters of blackened, damaged lungs. But how many kids that smoke understand the damage it's doing to their circulation?

So what can we do to reduce our risk?

First, see your doctor and get a check-up. Get an appreciation of your numbers: body composition, girth measurements, blood pressure ... your doctor may want more.

Get active ... just heed medical advice, learn to listen to your body and take things slow.

Master your emotions. This may be easier said than done, but there is also an element of maturity involved. Bottom line: negative emotions like rage, hostility, misguided aggression, impatience, holding grudges ... all impact heart health far more than you realize.

Eat fresh foods. Stop killing yourself by over-eating the wrong foods. Processed foods contain empty calories and create cravings and imbalances that can lead to food addiction, obesity and diabetes. If this sounds over-dramatic, you may need a reality check.

Stop poisoning yourself. Too much harmful fat, salt, sugar and stimulants ... we already covered that in the point above. Add to this cigarette smoke, excess alcohol, toxic fumes and other hidden dangers and many people are treating their bodies like a dumping ground for hazardous waste. Your body is your temple ... start respecting yourself!

And finally, get outside and get some fresh air and a little sunlight. If it's cold and raining, enjoy the nip on your face. Breathe, laugh, immerse yourself in nature. There's no charge ... really.

Rant over ... you get the point. You're in charge of your own health. No-one else.

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