Tuesday 11 November 2008

Stand and Deliver

Weight management is one of the most formidable challenges facing anyone looking at starting a fitness program.

Inately you sense that you are losing ground. On the surface it seems so simple ... eat less, exercise more, job done. The mirror doesn't pull any punches. Your body, stiff and immobile, carries the same clear message. Friends, family and strangers aren't that subtle either.

So why then is something so apparently obvious and straightforward, such a beast to tame?

Quite simply, because every message you get, on every level, only re-enforces the pickled emotions that got you there in the first place. Putting on weight, getting fatter, has nothing to do with logic and everything to do with the way you feel about yourself.

For some of you, the catalyst to do something will be fear ... something someone said, the way you feel after you walk up the stairs, a lucky escape from a potentially lethal event.

Some of you may be driven by disgust and self-loathing ... enough is enough!

Maybe for you it's far less intense ... you've been toying with the idea of taking action ... and finally you just feel ready? You just know.

Whatever drives you, here are three keys to successful weight management:

- your reason should be sufficiently compelling

- your focus should be absolutely clear and specific

- and, when you decide to take action, giving up is not an option

Along the way, you will face the three imposters of discouragement, distraction and impatience. Just keep going and don't look back. Never, ever look back.

The rewards are so worth it!

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